{{NEWPAGE}} /********************** DON'T EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE **********************/ = KiDS Strong Lensing This is the Kapteyn/OmegaCEN homepage for the KiDS Strong Lensing project. {{:projects:kids:lensing:stronglensing:group.jpg?500|}} == Status (last updated 1 Sep 2014 (GVK)) * Strongly-lensed QSO portal: [[projects:kids:lensing:stronglensing:stronglensingqso|Strongly Lensed QSOs with KiDS]] * Aug14: Added KiDS-LOW-LRG-TWO package to support KiDS/BLF challenge * May14: "No KiDS Lens No Glory" May 1-2, 2014 meeting at Kapteyn. Euclid SLWG lens finding specialists applied their strong lens finding tools to KiDS data: * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eguKa26dbAQ34HXD-jdMaytdDjIRiJrKa-KNUiXNmsA/edit?usp=sharing | meeting collaborative notes]] == KiDS testset for lens finding We have prepared datapacks: ^Set^Datapack^HumVI rgb^Cut-out view^Description^ |KiDS-LOWZ-LRG-TWO| [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes/temp/KiDS-LOWZ-LRG-TWO.tar | KiDS-LOWZ-LRG-TWO.tar]] | - | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes/temp/KiDS-LOWZ-LRG-TWO/cutouts.html | cutouts.html]] | Second set of photometrically selected z<0.4 Luminous Red Galaxies. See first set, KiDS-LOWZ-LRG package, below for details | |KiDS-START| [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~buddel/research/stronglenses/may2014meeting_HumVI/KiDS-START.tar|KiDS-START.tar]] | in KiDS-START.tar | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes/temp/KiDS-START/cutouts.html | cutouts.html]] | Hand-picked start set | |KiDS-HIGHZ-LRG| [[http://ds.astro.rug.astro-wise.org:8000/KiDS-HIGHZ-LRG.tar | KiDS-HIGHZ-LRG.tar]] | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~buddel/research/stronglenses/may2014meeting_HumVI/KiDS-HIGHZ-LRG.HumVI.tar|KiDS-HIGHZ-LRG.HumVI.tar]] [[http://www.intra.astro.rug.nl/~buddel/research/stronglenses/may2014meeting_HumVI/KiDS-HIGHZ-LRG.HumVI-newscale.tar|newscale]] | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes/temp/KiDS-HIGHZ-LRG/cutouts.html | cutouts.html]] | Photometrically selected z>0.4 Luminous Red Galaxies | |KiDS-LOWZ-LRG| [[http://ds.astro.rug.astro-wise.org:8000/KiDS-LOWZ-LRG.tar | KiDS-LOWZ-LRG.tar]] | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~buddel/research/stronglenses/may2014meeting_HumVI/KiDS-LOWZ-LRG.HumVI.tar|KiDS-LOWZ-LRG.HumVI.tar]] | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes/temp/KiDS-LOWZ-LRG/cutouts.html | cutouts.html]] | Photometrically selected z<0.4 Luminous Red Galaxies | |KiDS-QSO| | | | soon: Photometrically selected QSOs | |KiDS-TEST|[[https://astrodrive.astro.rug.nl/public.php?service=files&t=cf4154284eedfffbfd8fdb76a9d21bba | KiDS-TEST.tar]] | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~buddel/research/stronglenses/may2014meeting_HumVI/KiDS-TEST.HumVI.tar|KiDS-TEST.HumVI.tar]] | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes/temp/KiDS-TEST/cutouts.html | cutouts.html]] | test set using z>0.4 LRG selection.| |KiDS-TEST-LARGE-GAL|[[https://astrodrive.astro.rug.nl/public.php?service=files&t=16e9d6c157e47e6462883dc61ccc499f | KiDS-TEST-LARGE-GAL.tar]] | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~buddel/research/stronglenses/may2014meeting_HumVI/KiDS-TEST-LARGE-GAL.HumVI.tar|KiDS-TEST-LARGE-GAL.HumVI.tar]] | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes/temp/KiDS-TEST-LARGE-GAL/cutouts.html | cutouts.html]] | test set using z<0.4 LRG selection to obtain angularly larger galaxies.| |KiDS-TEST-QSO| [[https://astrodrive.astro.rug.nl/public.php?service=files&t=8a20ae781a9e8268fa20881cab7c841d | KiDS-TEST-QSO.tar]] | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~buddel/research/stronglenses/may2014meeting_HumVI/KiDS-TEST-QSO.HumVI.tar|KiDS-TEST-QSO.HumVI.tar]] | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes/temp/KiDS-TEST-QSO/cutouts.html | cutouts.html]] | Photometrically selected QSOs | |KiDS-TEST-RANDOM| [[https://astrodrive.astro.rug.nl/public.php?service=files&t=f111bf815497b2669da1606688c89ba4| KiDS-TEST-RANDOM.tar]] | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~buddel/research/stronglenses/may2014meeting_HumVI/KiDS-TEST-RANDOM.HumVI.tar|KiDS-TEST-RANDOM.HumVI.tar]] | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes/temp/KiDS-TEST-RANDOM/cutouts.html | cutouts.html]] | Random locations around HIGHZ-LRG candidates.| |KiDS-BLUEPAIRS | [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~buddel/research/stronglenses/may2014meeting_HumVI/KiDS-BLUEPAIRS.tar|KiDS-BLUEPAIRS.tar]] | in KiDS-BLUEPAIRS.tar | | Blue Pairs | |KiDS-PSF | [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/cal7t0tz2hciem7/PSF_KiDS.tar | PSF_KiDS.tar]] | | | FITS images of (hopefully representative) KiDS PSF models (based on shapelets) | == General description datapacks Each datapack contains: * README.txt (general summary information) * .pdf (more detailed information) * per source cut-outs of coadd images and of associated weight images in the 4 KiDS filters u, g, r and i. * size 100pix x 100pix = 20" x 20" * naming convention: ________.fits/weight.fits * SLID, SID are SourceList and Source IDentifiers in Astro-WISE system. * character r is appended if it are random cut-outs instead of centered on candidate sources * size is in pixel units (0.2"/pix) * Units coadd images: mag=-2.5*log10(pixelvalue) * units weight images: inverse variance images using same unit convention as coadd images (only background noise!). * png thumbnails and cutouts.html (for browser view on cutouts) * may2014meeting.py: python code used to generate datapack from Astro-WISE python prompt. Content to be added next: * color images == KiDS-LOWZ-LRG datapack description We have prepared a set of 5322 LRG candidates. Selection is aimed to get z<~0.4 luminous red galaxies. They are selected photometrically in 69 KiDS tiles (each approx. 1sq.deg.) The photometric selection is based on the [[http://www.sdss3.org/dr9/algorithms/boss_galaxy_ts.php | BOSS LOWZ selection]], adapted to KiDS: * |c_perp| < 0.2 * r < 13.5 + c_par/0.3 * 16 < r < 19.6 * SGCLASS_r==2 (means extended object in r) where magnitudes are in 10 and 2 arcsec diameter apertures and we have used the following auxiliary colors: * cpar = 0.7(g - r) + 1.2[(r - i) - 0.18)] * cperp = (r - i) - (g - r)/4.0 - 0.18 {{:projects:kids:lensing:stronglensing:mag_flux_radius.png?500|}} Aperture magnitude vs radius containing 50% of the light for example set. == KiDS-HIGHZ-LRG datapack description We have prepared a set of 7409 LRG candidates. They are selected photometrically in 80 KiDS tiles (each approx. 1sq.deg.) The photometric selection is based on the [[http://www.sdss3.org/dr9/algorithms/boss_galaxy_ts.php | BOSS CMASS selection]], adapted to KiDS: * dperp > 0.55 (with dperp = (r-i) - (g-r)/8.0, and all magnitudes in 2arcsec apertures) * i < 19.86+ 1.6(dperp - 0.8) * 17.5 < i < 19.9 * r - i < 2 * SGCLASS_r==2 (means extended object in r) == KiDS-TEST-QSO datapack description We have prepared a testset of 5557 QSO candidates. Selection is aimed to get 0.5