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OmegaCAM Secondary Standards


preceded by an asterisk (*) to have full RA coverage as specified in the Calibration Plan. In addition a reference catalog will also be constructed for the polar field.

centered on the specified coordinates under photometric conditions. Here is an example ObservingBlock

Updated 18/11/2013

Key-band/user-band observations

FieldRA [deg]Dec [deg]#Landolt#Stetson#SDSS #PPobservedto be observed comment
SA51 112.663 +29.828 0 0 214 0
SA57 197.171 +29.384 0 0 952 0
SA68 4.146 +15.844 0 0 1302 0
*SA92 13.946 +0.949 41 213 1094 6475 ugrizBV
SA93 28.783 +0.824 4 0 1128 0
SA94 44.033 +0.571 7 0 1099 0
*SA95 58.500 +0.000 45 426 1093 0 ugrizBV
*SA98 103.021 -0.328 46 1116 0 23840 ugrizBV
SA100 133.529 +0.546 6 1 3343 0
*SA101 149.112 -0.386 35 117 1776 5591 ugrizBV
SA102 163.779 +0.866 5 66 1517 0
SA103 178.779 +0.556 2 0 1507 0
*SA104 190.488 -0.529 34 76 1576 5701 g,r,i,z,B(1/2) u,B(1/2),V
SA105 204.533 +0.676 4 0 2172 0
SA106 220.533 +0.427 2 15 2864 0
*SA107 234.825 -0.263 28 728 3889 12006 ugriz B (TBD 7 out of 33) ,V
SA108 248.033 +0.369 6 3 6148 0
*SA110 280.600 +0.346 39 589 0 38562 ugrziB V (TBD 3 out of 33 pointings) qualify i ( 2013-06-21 and 2013-06-25
SA112 310.529 +0.524 7 73 12087 0
*SA113 325.375 +0.499 42 483 4046 13947 ugrizBV
SA114 340.529 +0.689 9 5 1957 0
SA115 355.779 +0.888 10 0 1170 0
filterexptime (for each individual dither position)
u 300, except SA92,95 and 113
g 60
r 75
i 115
z 75
B 150
V 150

Composite filter observations

These are in addition to Calibration Plan's Polar Field (PF) observations.

sequence field exp time (sec)status
per exposure
17-point dither SA107 150 DONE
17-point dither SA113 150 DONE
twilights 4 exp times, optimized per quadrant. DONE, verify quality
domeflats as usual DONE



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