{{NEWPAGE}} /********************** DON'T EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE **********************/ ====== Astronomical Information Technology at the University of Groningen ====== ===== Goals ===== * Create an Astronomical Information Technology community at the University of Groningen. * Hold regular (~once a month) meetings about AIT. * Make groups mutually aware of existing expertise, main challenges and things they can get from each other * Discuss/HOWTO solve software problems ===== Info / Plan ===== * Organizers 2016/06: Gert Sikkema (consultants: you?, Hugo Buddelmeijer, Gijs Verdoes / Edwin Valentijn) * Audience: open to all Kapteyners: students, promovendi, postdocs, staff * Nature of the meetings: two speakers, one talk about a specific astronomical problem solved through information technology, and one talk more about software carpentry tailored for astronomy. * Astroinformatics: how to write astronomical software importance of versioning, sql etc. (BUZZWORD: SOFTWARE CARPENTRY. see [[http://software-carpentry.org/|http://software-carpentry.org/]] ) * Input for topics is very much welcomed. ===== Meeting Schedule ===== Tentative schedule: every second Tuesday of the month in ZG257a at 13:30. First meeting Thursday 9th of June at 13:30 * June 9nd : * Maarten Breddels Gaia vizualization * PDF Presentation: [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~sikkema/vaex-talk-kapteyn-2016-ait.pdf| Vaex PDF Presentation]] * Weblinks to the software and documentation: [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~breddels/vaex/]] , [[http://www.github.com/maartenbreddels/vaex]] Second meeting Tuesday 13th of December at 13:30 * December 13th : Enrico Petrillo: An Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks ABSTRACT Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are revolutionizing the Artificial Intelligence field with their unprecedented ability to learn complex tasks which challenge human abilities. In this talk I will introduce the basics of CNNs and show some of the most exciting applications in Astronomy and in our daily life. * Later (fixed monthly slot decided soon): * Giorgos Vernardos mySQL * Astro: Gert Sikkema ASTROWISE Data lineage/IC correction/Satellite example