{{NEWPAGE}} /********************** DON'T EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE **********************/ = MICADO portal at OmegaCEN == Status * preparing for ESO contract to start phase B (KO-PDR): living [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ah9tUSrro9zCdEw5TGFMX1VwTDFhOUhpQy1JVWxRQmc&usp=sharing | MICADO spreadsheet]] for latest status. * FInished ADC study #2, see [[projects:micado:astrom|Astrometry with MICADO]] == Useful documents and links * See [[projects:micado:documentation|Documentation for MICADO Data Flow]] * http://www.bo.astro.it/~maory/Maory/Welcome.html == Contacts ^Person^email^tel^ |MICADO project office | micado-office@mpe.mpg.de | | == Handy links / references [[http://astroweb1.physics.ox.ac.uk/instr/HARMONI/ | Harmoni]] == Scratch notes Read GeMS first on-sky results (Rigaut+ SPIE 2012) in more detail: -appears very relevant benchmark (MCAO, 8.1meter telescope, LGS) for MICADO + MAORY 39m E-ELT. Only reality-case I now know off. -astrometric pipeline in paper simplistic. Yet no indication of hitting intra-night dynamic systematics for relative astrometry downto at least ~400microarcsec. Not covered in paper: -inter-night/epoch dynamic systematics -static systematics: is MICADO calibration mask sufficient to monitor this? On-sky near polar field also needed? I have emailed Rodrigo Carrasco ( a GeMS instrument scientist) to get to their experience on these. No response yet. -to do: determine if MAD is another benchmark. * Prezi at: http://prezi.com/2ucz56uxyfjc/edit/#36