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projects:aitscience:aitrug [2016/06/08 16:15]
projects:aitscience:aitrug [2016/12/09 13:10] (current)
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===== Info / Plan ===== ===== Info / Plan =====
-* Organizers 2016/06: Gert Sikkema (consultants: Hugo Buddelmeijer, Gijs/Edwin) +* Organizers 2016/06: Gert Sikkema (consultants: you?, Hugo Buddelmeijer, Gijs Verdoes / Edwin Valentijn
-* Audience: Any Kapteyner, students, promovendi, postdocs, staff+* Audience: open to all Kapteyners: students, promovendi, postdocs, staff
* Nature of the meetings: two speakers, one talk about a specific astronomical problem solved through information technology, and one talk more about software carpentry tailored for astronomy. * Nature of the meetings: two speakers, one talk about a specific astronomical problem solved through information technology, and one talk more about software carpentry tailored for astronomy.
* Astroinformatics: how to write astronomical software importance of versioning, sql etc. (BUZZWORD: SOFTWARE CARPENTRY. see [[http://software-carpentry.org/|http://software-carpentry.org/]] ) * Astroinformatics: how to write astronomical software importance of versioning, sql etc. (BUZZWORD: SOFTWARE CARPENTRY. see [[http://software-carpentry.org/|http://software-carpentry.org/]] )
-* Subjects provided by participants, GS +consultants ensure a full schedule+* Input for topics is very much welcomed.
===== Meeting Schedule ===== ===== Meeting Schedule =====
-Tentative schedule: every second Tuesday of the month in ZG257 at 15:00.+Tentative schedule: every second Tuesday of the month in ZG257a at 13:30.
First meeting Thursday 9th of June at 13:30 First meeting Thursday 9th of June at 13:30
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* June 9nd : * June 9nd :
           * Maarten Breddels Gaia vizualization            * Maarten Breddels Gaia vizualization
-           * Giorgos Vernardos mySQL+               * PDF Presentation: [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~sikkema/vaex-talk-kapteyn-2016-ait.pdf| Vaex PDF Presentation]]  
 +               * Weblinks to the software and documentation:  [[http://www.astro.rug.nl/~breddels/vaex/]] , [[http://www.github.com/maartenbreddels/vaex]] 
 +Second meeting Tuesday 13th of December at 13:30
-* July or later?: +* December 13th :  Enrico Petrillo: An Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks 
 +Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are revolutionizing the Artificial Intelligence field with their unprecedented ability to learn complex tasks which challenge human abilities. 
 +In this talk I will introduce the basics of CNNs and show some of the most exciting applications in Astronomy and in our daily life. 
 +* Later (fixed monthly slot decided soon):
           * Giorgos Vernardos mySQL            * Giorgos Vernardos mySQL
           * Astro: Gert Sikkema ASTROWISE Data lineage/IC correction/Satellite example            * Astro: Gert Sikkema ASTROWISE Data lineage/IC correction/Satellite example
projects/aitscience/aitrug.1465395344.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/08 16:15 by gsikkema     Back to top
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