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Astronomical Information Technology at the University of Groningen


  • Create an Astronomical Information Technology community at the University of Groningen.
  • Hold regular (~once a month) meetings about AIT.
  • Make groups mutually aware of existing expertise, main challenges and things they can get from each other
  • Discuss/HOWTO solve software problems

Info / Plan

  • Organizers 2016/02: Gert Sikkema (consultants: Hugo Buddelmeijer, Gijs/Edwin)
  • Audience: Any Kapteyner, students, promovendi, postdocs, staff
  • Nature of the meetings: two speakers, one talk about a specific astronomical problem solved through information technology, and one talk more about software carpentry tailored for astronomy.
  • Astroinformatics: how to write astronomical software importance of versioning, sql etc. (BUZZWORD: SOFTWARE CARPENTRY. see )
  • Subjects provided by participants, GS +consultants ensure a full schedule

Meeting Schedule

Tentative schedule: every second Tuesday of the month in ZG257 at 15:00.
First meeting Thursday 9th of June at 13:30
  • June 9nd :
    • Maarten Breddels Gaia vizualization
    • Giorgos Vernardos mySQL
  • July or later?:
  • Giorgos Vernardos mySQL
  • Astro: Gert Sikkema ASTROWISE Data lineage/IC correction/Satellite example


  • GS, HB, GVK, EV: Discuss plan de campagne.
  • GS: Prepare monday lunch talk, to be given End of April.
  • Invite participants.

Possible Speakers

who what status info
Gert Sikkema Optical Astronomy: Satellite Detection confirmed, May 3rd ?
Aku Venhola
Enrico Petrillo GVK:neural networks
Giorgos Vernardos strong-lensing compute
Giorgos Vernardos Data management: MySQL databases confirmed
Maarten Breddels Visualization / Analysis: VaeX Gaia visualization
Andrey Tsyganov Euclid databasing after summer?
Davide Punzo 3D / radio visualization
EoR technical PhDs/postdocs ask Ger de Bruyn
Jos Roerdink's visualization group ask Hugo
Bob / Fokke ? How to use peregrine / grid ?
Software Carpentry: Version Control
Software Carpentry: (unit) testing
Astronomical data formats (see FITS discussions)
Long term data sustainability E.g. through Vizier
Martin Vogelaar? New software at Kapteyn?
Maarten Breddels? Jupyter, GVK: Gaia visualization also
Johan Hidding? New programming languages?
Johan Hidding? SCAM - Schemes for Artistic Model rendering
Benne Holwerda? Galaxy Zoo / Citizen Science
Scott Trager? Bayesian Inference in Astronomy
ALL Upcoming or past Meetings like May ADA8@Crete ; October AstroInformatics@Sorrento, etc.
ALL Discuss books like “Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy
ALL Discuss relevant new papers
ALL Technology-based proposals, like DTEC @NLeSC
GVK: OmegaCEN group
GVK: Apertif group
WEAVE (Scott), visualization
Apertif (Verheijen), id
LOFAR (Ger de Bruijn)
GAIA (Amina)
  • Export to OpenOffice
projects/aitscience/aitrug.1465395280.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/08 16:14 by gsikkema     Back to top
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