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projects:micado:dfsdossier [2013/11/15 13:06]
gverdoes created
projects:micado:dfsdossier [2013/11/15 13:07] (current)
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If Austria wants to build-up DHS expertise rather sooner than later I am If Austria wants to build-up DHS expertise rather sooner than later I am
happy to go more into the technical specifications of the DHS in happy to go more into the technical specifications of the DHS in
 +So now to the technical specifiations for the DHS.
 +The DHS consists of a software repository, a database, a dataserver and Distributed Processing Unit
 +The DHS stores the pipeline software in a software repositories that can be accessed across institutes (currently we work with CVS for the repository).
 +The database is an Oracle database (but can become a different one, e.g., MySQL if we would want to).
 +(software that allows to connect the DHS to storage hardware, irrespective of the type of hardware and the physical location  of the hardware)
 + (software that allows to connect the DHS to compute clusters,  irrespective of the type of hardware and the physical location  of the hardware). These components are used by webservices that create a weThe dataserver is the core component of the archive which we have My idea would be that we start with the database, dataserver and Distributed Processing Unit in Groningen only and that Austria connects to this via webservices
 +Once pipeline development has frozen we can turn the prototype into a real data handling system for commissioning and GTO data handling. Again, MUSE has done this.
 +Now on time-lines.
projects/micado/dfsdossier.1384517179.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/15 13:06 by gverdoes     Back to top
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