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OmegaCAM Secondary Standards


  • Table below lists the 22 SA fields considered for OmegaCAM secondary standard fields. Out of this list 8 fields are preliminarily selected: the 8

preceded by an asterisk (*) to have full RA coverage as specified in the Calibration Plan. In addition a reference catalog will also be constructed for the polar field.

  • Fields are observed with dithered observations that cover approximately 2×2 square degrees by making observations with each CCD

centered on the specified coordinates under photometric conditions. Here is an example ObservingBlock

  • The number of Landolt standard stars, Stetson standard stars, SDSS DR5 stars and stars from the Preparatory Programme (PP) for the OmegaCAM Secondary Standard Program are listed for the OmegaCAM 1.2 square degree fieldsize.

Updated 18/11/2013

Key-band/user-band observations

FieldRA [deg]Dec [deg]#Landolt#Stetson#SDSS #PPobservedto be observed comment
SA51 112.663 +29.828 0 0 214 0
SA57 197.171 +29.384 0 0 952 0
SA68 4.146 +15.844 0 0 1302 0
*SA92 13.946 +0.949 41 213 1094 6475 ugrizBV
SA93 28.783 +0.824 4 0 1128 0
SA94 44.033 +0.571 7 0 1099 0
*SA95 58.500 +0.000 45 426 1093 0 ugrizBV
*SA98 103.021 -0.328 46 1116 0 23840 ugrizBV
SA100 133.529 +0.546 6 1 3343 0
*SA101 149.112 -0.386 35 117 1776 5591 ugrizBV
SA102 163.779 +0.866 5 66 1517 0
SA103 178.779 +0.556 2 0 1507 0
*SA104 190.488 -0.529 34 76 1576 5701 g,r,i,z,B(1/2) u,B(1/2),V
SA105 204.533 +0.676 4 0 2172 0
SA106 220.533 +0.427 2 15 2864 0
*SA107 234.825 -0.263 28 728 3889 12006 ugriz B (TBD 7 out of 33) ,V
SA108 248.033 +0.369 6 3 6148 0
*SA110 280.600 +0.346 39 589 0 38562 ugrziB V (TBD 3 out of 33 pointings) qualify i ( 2013-06-21 and 2013-06-25
SA112 310.529 +0.524 7 73 12087 0
*SA113 325.375 +0.499 42 483 4046 13947 ugrizBV
SA114 340.529 +0.689 9 5 1957 0
SA115 355.779 +0.888 10 0 1170 0
filterexptime (for each individual dither position)
u 300, except SA92,95 and 113
g 60
r 75
i 115
z 75
B 150
V 150

Composite filter observations

These are in addition to Calibration Plan's Polar Field (PF) observations.

sequence field exp time (sec)status
per exposure
17-point dither SA107 150 DONE
17-point dither SA113 150 DONE
twilights 4 exp times, optimized per quadrant. DONE, verify quality
domeflats as usual DONE


  • Preliminary secondary standards catalog and polar field catalog are available in AstroWISE and are delivered to ESO.
  • Final catalog delivery was planned for October 2012, but observational progress is too slow currently (June 12).
  • Deliveries will be done by the OmegaCAM consortium (contact point: Gijs Verdoes Kleijn).


  • The OBs (as .obx files) that are remaining to be observed (as of 14/12/2011) are in this tar-ball, now including updated exposure times and with RET2ORIG disabled.

Useful links

  • Export to OpenOffice
projects/omegacam/portal/secondarystandards.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/02 18:21 by drboxhoorn     Back to top
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