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projects:expastrospecialissue:status [2013/02/12 10:23]
projects:expastrospecialissue:status [2013/02/12 22:06] (current)
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|02|The Kilo-Degree Survey | Jelte T. A. de Jong, Gijs A. Verdoes Kleijn, Konrad H. Kuijken et al |  Pages 25-44 | open access | ADS | astro-ph| |02|The Kilo-Degree Survey | Jelte T. A. de Jong, Gijs A. Verdoes Kleijn, Konrad H. Kuijken et al |  Pages 25-44 | open access | ADS | astro-ph|
|03|The Astro-WISE optical image pipeline| John P. McFarland, Gijs Verdoes Kleijn, Gert Sikkema et al| Pages 45-78 | open access | ADS | astro-ph| |03|The Astro-WISE optical image pipeline| John P. McFarland, Gijs Verdoes Kleijn, Gert Sikkema et al| Pages 45-78 | open access | ADS | astro-ph|
-|04|The Astro-WISE approach to quality control for astronomical data |John P. McFarland, Ewout M. Helmich, Edwin A. Valentijn| Pages 79-102 | open access | ADS | astro-ph| +|04|The Astro-WISE approach to quality control for astronomical data |John P. McFarland, Ewout M. Helmich, Edwin A. Valentijn| Pages 79-102 | open access |ADS |astro-ph |  
-|05|Monitoring the photometric behavior of OmegaCAM with Astro-WISE|G. A. Verdoes Kleijn, K. H. Kuijken, E. A. Valentijn et al.| Pages 103-130 | open access | ADS | astro-ph|+|05|Monitoring the photometric behavior of OmegaCAM with Astro-WISE|G. A. Verdoes Kleijn, K. H. Kuijken, E. A. Valentijn et al.| Pages 103-130 | open access | [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/doi/10.1007/s10686-012-9325-y | ADS]] | [[http://arxiv.org/pdf/1212.6120.pdf|astro-ph]]| {{:projects:expastrospecialissue:verdoeskleijnomegacam.pdf|ExpAstro}} |
|06|Tracing and using data lineage for pipeline processing in Astro-WISE | Johnson Mwebaze, Danny Boxhoorn, Edwin A. Valentijn| Pages 131-155  | open access | ADS | astro-ph| |06|Tracing and using data lineage for pipeline processing in Astro-WISE | Johnson Mwebaze, Danny Boxhoorn, Edwin A. Valentijn| Pages 131-155  | open access | ADS | astro-ph|
|07|Supporting dynamic pipeline changes using Class-Based Object Versioning in Astro-WISE| Johnson Mwebaze, Danny Boxhoorn, Idris Rai, Edwin A. Valentijn| Pages 157-186  | open access | ADS | astro-ph| |07|Supporting dynamic pipeline changes using Class-Based Object Versioning in Astro-WISE| Johnson Mwebaze, Danny Boxhoorn, Idris Rai, Edwin A. Valentijn| Pages 157-186  | open access | ADS | astro-ph|
projects/expastrospecialissue/status.1360660992.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/02/12 10:23 (external edit)     Back to top
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