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TitleAuthorsSize, pagesReceivedCheckedSubmittedSent to refereeReferee reportFinal formpdf
Information Systems in Astronomy/WISE TechnologiesBegeman,Belikov,Boxhoorn,Valentijn21(*)+ ++ + +,acceptedpre-proof version/published onlineisreview.pdf/ wise_tex.pdf
OmegaCAM@VSTVerdoes+27+ + + + + resubmitted version
Kilo Degree Survey: from instrument to the scientistsde Jong, Verdoes, Kuijken, Valentijn20+ + + + +,accepted pre-proof version astro-ph AW_KiDS_final.pdf
LOFAR Long-Term ArchiveHolties,Belikov10 + + + + +,acceptedpublished online expa-s-11-00111.pdf
Data Zoo in Astro-WISEVerdoes Kleijn,Belikov,McFarland14+ + + + +,accepted ADS
Optical Image Pipeline: Development and ImplementationMcFarland, Verdoes, Sikkema, Helmich, Boxhoorn, Valentijn34(*) + + + + +,accepted published online expa-s-11-00123.pdf
Measuring Pan-STARRS photometric redshiftSaglia, Snigula7 + ++ + +,accepted published online expa420.pdf
Extreme Data Lineage in Scientific Data ProcessingMwebaze23 ++ + + +,accepted published online expa428.pdf
Sub-Image Data Processing in Astro-WISEMwebaze23 + + + + +,accepted published online expa423-1.pdf
VersioningMwebaze22++ + + +,accepted published onlineexpa424.pdf
Automatic Optimized Discovery, Creation and Processing of Astronomical Catalogs Buddelmeijer,Boxhoorn,Valentijn23 + + + + +,accepted published online Published PDF arXiv
Leveraging Data Lineage to Infer Logical Relationships between Astronomical CatalogsBuddelmeijer,Valentijn18 + + + + +,accepted published onlinePublished PDF
Query Driven Visualization of Astronomical CatalogsBuddelmeijer,Valentijn18 + + + + +,accepted published online Published PDF arXiv
Quality Control for Astronomical DataMcFarland,Helmich,Valentijn25 + + + ++,accepted published online EXPA457R2
User Interfaces in Astro-WISEVriend,Sikkema15+ + + + +,accepted published online expa-s-11-00090.pdf
MDIA and POTSKoppenhofer, Saglia10 ++ + + +,accepted published online planets.pdf
VODIAGertman9 ++ + + +,accepted published online expa421.pdf
GALPHOT and GALPHIT/COMA LSHeraudeau, Verdoes Kleijn6+ +,draft galfitandgalphotv1.pdf /comalsexpastro.pdf
Astro-WISE and GridBelikov,Dijkstra,Meyer-Zhao12 + ++ + +,accepted published online grid.pdf
Astro-WISE Influence on Non-astronomical Information SystemsWilliams 5
Information Systems Playground - TargetDijkstra, Belikov24 + + + ++,accepted published onlineexpa-s-11-00101.pdf
Total pages in accepted papers 328
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